Friday, September 25, 2009

Cold and Flu Season - Essential Oils to the Rescue

Is it FLU SEASON where you are? If not, save this message until you need this important information!

On the news it's been reported that the supply of flu vaccine has been fully distributed in the U.S., and there's no more to be had. This year, demand for the vaccine has greatly outstripped supply, creating a shortage. (This statement never seems to change from year to year)

Scott, I'd like to inform you about the antiviral properties of essential oils, AND I predict that when you understand these properties - you'll want to have therapeutic grade essential oils ready for COLD AND FLU season.

Flu is a highly contagious disease, usually more prevalent in the Winter and Spring. It is spread from discharges from the mouth and nose from infected persons. The influenza virus has great genetic variation, which accounts for the frequent epidemics, caused by different strains of the virus. The main target of the virus is the respiratory system. Flu can be highly dangerous for children, the elderly, or people with a weak immune system.

Symptoms of flu include sudden onset, fever, chills, muscle aches and pain, headache, weakness, and physical and mental exhaustion. Sneezing, coughing, and other symptoms of the common cold are usually present, and intestinal complaints are also very common.

Essential Oils to the Rescue

The History of Thieves™
Europeans began producing essential oils in the 12th century. During the Plague of the 15th century, certain thieves were able to rob the dead without fear of becoming infected by the terrible disease. After being captured and charged with robbing the dead and dying victims of the plague, the thieves were offered a deal. The magistrate offered them leniency if they would reveal how they managed to avoid contracting the dreaded infection, in spite of their close proximity with the infected corpses. They disclosed that they were perfumers and spice traders, and that they had rubbed themselves with a concoction of aromatic herbs (cinnamon, and clove).

Thieves Blend™ was found to have a 99.6 percent kill rate against airborne bacteria!

When Ancient Tradition Links with Modern Society: Thieves™ Blend
Fast forward - 20th century, Young Living Essential Oils begins testing Thieves™ Blend, a proprietary combination of cinnamon, clove and rosemary essential oils for its potent antimicrobial properties. Thieves™ Blend was found to have a 99.6 percent kill rate against airborne bacteria. According to the Essential Oils Desk Reference (Essential Science Publishing, page 125), Studies conducted at Weber State University during 1997 showed the antibacterial effectiveness of this blend against airborne microorganisms."

Thieves™ Blend Product Line: Kill Bacteria - Naturally

Thieves™ Blend is so effective and popular - that there is an entire line of germ fighting products to choose from: Sore Throat Lozenges; Household Cleansing Spray; Bar Soap; Foaming Hand Soap, Toothpaste; and Mouthwash.

"Our family uses Thieves™ Blend. It is a more natural way to fight infectious germs - it's good for us, and good for the planet." James Niederland, LCSW, Psychotherapist & Wellness Consultant

You can use the essential oils topically or internally. For topical application, apply to the bottoms of the feet, the pulse points of the wrist, or to the back, neck, and chest..

For internal use, put 3-5 drops into a vegetable capsule (gel cap) and swallow. Do this three times per day, for at least a week. You can usually purchase gel/veggie caps at any health food store. Young Living offers capsules (250 CT) for $7.50 wholesale. If you don't have any gel/veggie caps, you can put 3-5 drops in a tablespoon of honey and let it trickle down your throat

In Europe, doctors use essential oils and herbs as treatment for Infections, Colds and Flu. Some of the essential oils recommended are Idaho tansy, Cypress, Tea Tree (melaleuca alternifolia), Lavender, Thyme, Oregano, Rosemary, Peppermint and Fir, Idaho Balsam.

Idaho Balsam Fir is a conifer oil distilled in northern Idaho. It has been used for treating muscle aches and pains, sinusitis, bronchitis, and other respiratory disorders.

As you probably know, the flu requires bed rest, a well-balanced diet, and lots of liquids )water, homemade Lemonade, vegetable juices, soups and herbal teas.) Fill your diffuser with Lemon, Eucalyptus or Lavender to disinfect the room air and keep the nasal passages clear. If you have a sore throat, place one drop Melrose (blend) essential oil on your tongue and swallow. Do this every half hour until the pain is gone. The Thieves blend is also an excellent choice. Add one drop of Thieves to 1/4 cup of warm water, gargle and swallow. Do as often as needed.
It is important that you are aware of any safety precautions, as some essential oils can sting or burn so they need to be diluted. Cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil may be used as a carrier oil. Please contact me if you have ANY questions about dilution.

Diffusing Oils:
When oils are diffused in a home, office or classroom, they purify the air itself by removing toxins, metallic particles and other harmful microscopic debris. They also increase the atmospheric oxygen of the air, and boost levels of beneficial ozone and negative ions which dramatically inhibit the growth and reproduction of airborne pathogens.

Further, as the odorous molecules drift to the various surfaces of each room they rapidly kill virtually all pathogenic bacteria, viruses, rifles, molds and fungi they come into contact with. And lastly, they completely destroy odors from mold, cigarettes, household pets, bathrooms and more. Fill a 2 ounce glass spray bottle with distilled water, add 6-8 drops of your oil of choice and place one on each toilet (Purification recommended) and other select places.

Perhaps the most popular and effective method of diffusing oils is to buy a product called a (cold) "Diffuser," which sprays an ultra-fine mist of the essential oil of your choice into the air. The millions of misted particles sprayed from a diffuser are so fine they can hang in the air of your house, vehicle, office or classroom literally for hours, spreading from room to room via the normal air circulation that occurs as you walk through the area. For economy and efficiency, it is recommended to attach a simple timer to the diffuser. You can program the timer to be on, for example, for 15 minutes and off for 30 minutes, conserving oils and money. I've covered diffusing, in previous messages, but please let me know if I need to send you the "diffusing" report again.

Whatever you do, DO NOT HEAT YOUR OILS. Keep them around room temperature. Heating the essential oils will not only ruin the therapeutic value of the oil, but it can also harm you. Research shows that high temperatures will change the chemistry. This changed chemistry can be toxic to the human body.
This is simply basic organic chemistry 101. If you want to fragrance a room and obtain health benefits, use a cold diffuser. Do not use a light bulb called an Aromalamp or burn oils with fire from a candle.

To Your Health!
Scott OBrien

Cold and Flu Season - Essential Oils to the RescueSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Friday, September 11, 2009

Releasing Weight with Young Living

“I have something I want to tell you, I am so amazed. I have only had my new Idaho Balsam Fir oil for a few days now, and since using it, I have lost several pounds! I just inhale it several times a day, and I am losing. Nothing else has ever worked like this for me before. The Balsam Fir reminds me that I do not need to snack during the day; I feel full. Also, I am not as tired and am sleeping better at night. I am just so totally amazed’ -- Brian Grant, Ohio

Obesity is rapidly becoming the No. 1 health concern. Of the 97 million Americans (one-third of the U.S. population) who suffer from obesity, 5 to 10 million are considered morbidly obese. Obesity is considered “morbid” when it reaches the point of significantly increasing the risk of obesity-related conditions or serious diseases that can cause death or disability. Some of these conditions include diabetes, sleep apnea, hypertension, coronary artery disease, infertility, depression, orthopedic problems and urinary incontinence, among others.

Over the next few weeks, I'll be posting more articles – that focus on this epidemic. It is important for me to say that these articles do not suggest a “silver-bullet” approach to weight loss, in other words, a quick fix. Instead, they will share a message of hope and health.

The reason 95 percent of all traditional diets fail is simple. When you go on a low-calorie diet, your body thinks you are starving; it actually becomes more efficient at storing fat by slowing down your metabolism. When you stop this unrealistic eating plan, your metabolism is still slow and inefficient that you gain the weight back even faster, even though you may still be eating less than you were before you went on the diet.

If your program is to be a success, everything you eat and every exercise you do must be a pleasurable experience. If you're not enjoying yourself, it is unlikely that you'll continue your program. It's that simple.

Small, gradual changes are not painful or overwhelming but rather the core of an exciting lifestyle that you will look forward to. When you take the frustration, guilt, and deprivation out of weight management, and allow yourself to adopt gradual, realistic changes into your life that will make healthy eating and physical activity a permanent pleasure. You will soon discover what your body is capable of and begin to look, act, and feel your very best.

So here is a simple change: Add a drop of Grapefruit Essential Oil to your glass of water. It helps oxygenate, refresh and cleanse the lymph system, as well as help reduce cellulite levels. Grapefruit oil may also help with depression, and has unique fat-dissolving characteristics (Essential Oils Desk Reference, June 2002).

Good luck and enjoy all the wonderful benefits of a healthy, active lifestyle. I'll look forward to hearing from you soon.

Releasing Weight with Young LivingSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Swine Flu Alert!

More attacks of the swine flu are already occurring in many parts of the world. Most people are still confused about what exactly they need do to avoid getting infected. Here are some facts that might help.

Symptoms of Swine Flu:

Fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue.

Flu viruses are spread mainly from person to person through
coughing or sneezing by people with influenza. Sometimes
people may become infected by touching something - such as
a surface or object - with flu viruses on it and then touching
their mouth or nose.

There is no vaccine available right now to protect against
novel. However, a novel H1N1 vaccine is currently in
production and may be ready for the public in the fall.

Take these everyday steps to protect your health:

- Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough
or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it.

- Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after
you cough or sneeze. Alcohol-based hand cleaners are also

- Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread
this way.

- Avoid close contact with sick people.

- Boost up your immune system by taking a good antioxidant.
Boost up your immune system with a daily dose of Ningxia Red
from Young Living. Delicious and Nutritious! You whole family

will LOVE Ningxia Red... even your kids! Mine Do : )

Learn More at:

Swine Flu Alert!SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Young Living Balsam Fir Harvest

2009 Balsam Fir Harvest: Once again our Founder and President, Gary Young, was on the front lines to ensure Young Living essential oils are the purest and most potent available—he recently wrapped up a successful balsam fir harvest in northern Idaho!

There he employed the help of many Young Living employees and distributors, and his commitment to the Young Living Therapeutic Grade™ standard was evident as he oversaw every step of the harvest. We've created a short video for you to enjoy that highlights some of the action:

Those who participated in this rare opportunity commented on the importance of Gary's hands-on involvement in the oil-sourcing process. General Manager of the Americas, Mike McLean, was thrilled to be a part of the hard work and dedication that Gary demands for his oils:

"Gary made sure that everyone got to be personally involved in each step of the harvesting process," says Mike. "From cutting trees to loading trucks, we all got to experience everything that goes into a batch of balsam fir oil."

Most important to Mike was the positive teamwork that surrounded the event: "It was amazing to feel the spirit of teamwork as distributors, corporate employees, and farm employees worked long hours in cold, tough conditions, never once complaining or losing steam."

The harvest took place on Young Living's Balsam Farm in northern Idaho, just a few miles south of the Canadian border. Sustainable growing practices are of utmost importance to Gary, and he resolves that nature be left in better shape than when the harvest began. That's why he insists on replanting the harvested area with optimal spacing between trees to protect against forest fires and ground erosion.

The fir tree—commonly known as the Christmas tree—is renowned for its benefits to the respiratory system, as well as its ability to soothe over-worked muscles and joints. The balsam fir essential oil recently harvested is exclusive to Young Living and contains optimal levels of four important constituents: alpha pineane, beta pineane, camphene, and limonene, which give it many of its soothing characteristics.

Balsam fir lends its soothing qualities to a variety of Young Living products, such as:
Balsam Fir Essential Oil ~ Item No. 3314 5 ml

Balsam Fir Essential Oil ~ Item No. 3316 15 ml

Believe™ Essential Oil Blend ~ Item No. 3310 10 ml

BLM™ ~ Item No. 3234

En-R-Gee™ Essential Oil Blend ~ Item No. 3336 15 ml

Gratitude™ Essential Oil Blend ~ Item No. 3346 5 ml

Legacy™ Essential Oil Blend ~ Item No. 3577 15 ml

Deep Relief™ Roll-On ~ Item No. 3534

Sacred Mountain™ Bar Soap ~ Item No. 3671

The balsam fir essential oil harvested at this event has already been tested, bottled, and we are happy to announce that products containing balsam fir are back online and in stock!

Gary's hands-on approach during this and other harvests in Ecuador, France, and Utah is what sets Young Living apart from everyone else. Not only do we ensure that the purest, most potent essential oils are harvested and distilled on our own farms, but our sourcing specialists also routinely visit our suppliers to share their expert knowledge. This continued commitment to quality ensures Young Living’s status as the world leader in essential oils.

Log in to start shopping now. Not a member? Become a member today to start shopping.

Young Living Balsam Fir HarvestSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Monday, September 7, 2009

Young Living September 2009 Specials


Limited Time Offer ~ 25% Discount on The Feelings Kit! ~ August 26–September 9 Only!

The Feelings Kit—Essential Oils Collection features six essential oil blends formulated by D. Gary Young to promote emotional clearance and self renewal. This collection includes Valor essential oil, Harmony essential oil, Forgiveness essential oil, Inner Child essential oil, Release essential oil, and Present Time eassential oil.

Harmony—an exquisite blend that promotes physical and emotional well-being by bringing harmonic balance to the energy centers of the body.

Forgiveness—may enhance the ability to release hurtful memories and move beyond emotional barriers.

Inner Child—the sweet fragrance of this blend may stimulate memory response and help reconnect with the authentic self.

Present Time—has an empowering fragrance that heightens the sense of being “in the moment.”

Release—combines uplifting, calming oils to create a sense of peace and emotional well-being.

Valor—works with both the physical and spiritual aspects of the body to increase feelings of strength, courage, and self-esteem.
Order Your Feelings Kit Today and Save! Log in to shop now. Not a member? Open your account to start shopping today.

Item No. 3125
Distributor Price: $108.56 (Regularly $144.75) / Preferred Customer Price: $125.70 (Regularly $167.61) / Customer Price: $142.85 (Regularly $190.46)

Rules and Restrictions

Offer valid on all orders. No limit per customer.

Offer available to Young Living distributors, retail and preferred customers—US, Canada, and NFR markets only.

Valid on phone, Essential Rewards, and web orders only.

Offer does not apply to Automated Phone System orders or point redemption orders.

CLICK HERE to Learn more about how to use the essential oils in the Feelings Collection.

Young Living September 2009 SpecialsSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Young Living Home Business Journey

You Are Invited To Join Us On A Life-Changing Journey

Picture it... no alarm clocks, no long commutes, no demanding work environment...getting up when you feel fully rested, enjoying exotic vacations when you want, sharing time with family and friends whenever you wish. Imagine having the time to do what you want, when you want and having the money to do it. Sounds great, doesn't it? It sure does.

When you found this blog, you opened the door to exciting new health and longevity products, with an income opportunity attached that could put you on the path to living your life without limits.

Is This The Right Place For You?

You are about to find out. The following pages are brief and they will reveal:

  • What forces are creating extraordinary growth in our industry?

  • Why the timing of your visit gives you a unique advantage?

  • How our products can create tremendous leverage for you?

  • What you will need to be successful with this opportunity?

  • And how you can get started earning income today?

Whether you are searching for a way to make extra money from home, or determined to find a way to replace your current income ...your goals are within reach.

You are now ready to discover why we believe almost ANYONE --- regardless of capital, education or previous experience --- can succeed with this opportunity.

Let's begin our journey...

Visit: to learm more or CLICK HERE to learn how YOU can get started with an amazing Home Business Opportunity Today for less than the cost for a dinner for 2!

To Your Health and Wealth!

Scott OBrien
phone: 716-537-2526
skype: ASskScottOBrien

PS: For Unlimited FREE Business Opportunity Leads
Check Out

Young Living Home Business JourneySocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Free Abundance Essential Oil Blend!

Get Your FREE Abundance™ Essential Oil Blend!

From September 1 to 30, place an order of 170 personal volume (PV) or more and receive a free 15 ml bottle of Abundance™ essential oil blend. That's a retail savings of $47.78!

With Young Living's 2009 Convention in Minneapolis, Minnesota, September is packed with ways to attract abundance into your life, and Abundance essential oil blend can help! Just ask Russell Louie, Young Living Senior Star:

"In January 2007, I decided I was tired of operating a no-profit company. I took out my bottle of Abundance and started putting a dot of oil on every package I mailed out. By January 2008, I tripled the amount of new monthly customers, almost doubled the total number of monthly sales, more than doubled our monthly income, and our website traffic increased significantly."

Abundance is just around the corner—let it find you with this exciting offer! More about Abundance™...

Item No.: 3300 ~ 15 ml
Wholesale Price: $31.75 / Preferred Customer Price: $36.76 / Customer Price: $41.78

Promotion Details:

Offer valid September 1, 12:00 a.m. MT to 11:59 p.m. MT September 30, 2009.

Offer valid on all orders of 170 PV or more. No limit on qualifying orders.

Limit one free Abundance essential oil per order.

Offer available to Young Living distributors, customers, and preferred customers.

Valid on phone, Essential Rewards, and web orders only.

Offer not available on Automated Phone System orders or Essential Rewards orders.

PV not earned for free product.

Customer responsible for shipping costs of free product.

Log in to shop now and take advantage of our generous specials!, OR open your account to start shopping today.

Free Abundance Essential Oil Blend!SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Friday, September 4, 2009

Ylang Ylang Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil

10% Off Ylang Ylang Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil!

From September 1 through September 30, enjoy Ylang Ylang Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil at a 10% discount!

Ylang ylang (Cananga odorata) has a sweet, soft, flowery fragrance that has made it a romantic favorite. In Indonesia, the petals are often strewn across a marriage bed. Ylang ylang is effective for calming and bringing about a sense of relaxation, and it may help with releasing feelings of anger, tension, and nervous irritability. It has a long history in skin and hair care products, particularly in Asia, where it is used to promote luxuriant hair. Ylang Ylang has an approximate oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) of 1,300,478 (TE/L). TE/L is expressed as micromole Trolox equivalent per liter. More about Ylang Ylang...

Offer Details:

Offer valid from 12:00 a.m. MT September 1, 2009, through 11:59 p.m. MT September 30, 2009.

Offer available on regular orders, order made through the Automated Phone System, and on Essential Rewards autoship orders processed on or before 11:59 p.m. MT on September 30, 2009.

CLICK HERE to Log in to shop now, OR open your account to start shopping today.

Ylang Ylang Therapeutic Grade Essential OilSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Thursday, September 3, 2009

21 Reasons to Drink NingXia Red Daily

21 Reasons to Drink NingXia Red Daily... A Chinese National Treasure

The wolfberry, a perennial plant (member of the solanacea family of plants), grows to a height of 3 to 5 feet. The fruit is very red, juicy, and oblong when ripe. Its health benefits have been known and used for thousands of years.

The fruit contains 19 amino acids and over 20 trace minerals (including germanium, a mineral rarely found in food) The wolfberry has more protein than whole wheat. This alone sets the wolfberry apart as a major source of phyto-nutrients.

Considered a national treasure, the Ningxia Wolfberry is grown near inner Mongolia. This berry has been extolled in folk medicine for thousands of years. Translated from ancient texts, Shen Nung Ben Tsao (475 BC), stated "Wolfberry benefits range from replenishing vital health to fortifying and restoring vital organs." A physician's handbook from the Ming Dynasty stated, "Taking in Chinese wolfberry may regulate the flow of vital energy and strengthen the physique, which can lead to longevity." (Ref. 1)

Reasons to Drink NingXia Red Daily

1. The Ningxia Wolfberry provides ample antioxidants to strengthen the immune system. Anti-oxidants permeate cell walls and attack free radicals before they damage the DNA of the cell nucleus.
2. Antioxidants of this berry fight arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis - aiding the circulatory system - including the heart.

3. The Ningxia Wolfberry is powerful in helping the liver function properly. The liver is one of the most vital organs in the body - it's our cleansing machine.

4. Helps the eyes - cataracts, glaucoma, and visual acuity. This berry contains a complete array of antioxidant carotenoids including beta-carotene and zeaxanthin. In fact the Ningxia Wolfberry has the highest source of carotenoids in all known foods. Beta-carotene is best known as a nutrient for the retina. (Ref. 2)

5. Cancer Help. The main constituent of the wolfberry is Lycium Barbarum Polysaccharide (LBP), and according to studies in China, LBP helps cancer patients rebuild their white blood cell count, enhancing phagocytes and the activity of natural killer cells which bind to cancerous cells, as well as improving major classes of T-cells. "...increase the antibody reaction to the T cell-antigen." (Ref. 3)

6. More Cancer Help. Acetone extract from the Ningxia Wolfberry inhibits gene mutation, Some scientists say the fruit is a good supplement to prevent liver cancer. (Ref. 4) Also, studies show objective regression of cancer in patients with malignant melanoma, renal cell carcinoma, colorectal cancer, lung cancer, and others. Results also indicated LBP may be used as an adjuvant in the biotherapy of cancer. (Ref. 5)

7. Minerals and vitamins act as enzymes and co-factors in the digestion process.

8. Studies on seniors in China produced amazing results (many people live beyond 100 years of age in wolfberry growing areas). Increases in Super Oxide Dismutase (SOD) the hemoglobin were found in serum in all participants. In other words wolfberry ".......may help slow the aging process."

9. Protects against the free radical attack on mitochondrial DNA - our energy furnaces inside each cell. Antioxidants fight against mitochondrial destabilization.

10. Helps lower blood sugar--and in many tests at least stabilizes blood sugar.

11. It is important that cell walls maintain their malleability for nutrients to cross this membrane. The free radical scavengers found in the Ningxia Wolfberry strengthen the cell wall and support efficient transport of flavonoid nutrients in the cell and waste products out of the cell.

12. Strengthens the brains neuro-transmitters against pervasive fee radical activity, thus fighting against dementia and other forms of memory loss.

13. Promotes a sense of well-being, and has had noticeable results in tests and anxiety. The tissues of the body (including the brain) are assisted in avoiding oxidative stress.

14. Has a B-Vitamin complex essential to the body. In addition these vitamins are vital for converting food to energy.

15. Cells need to communicate, especially those in the brain and nervous system. The synaptic responses are protected and fortified by the same polyphenols (flavonoids) that this berry uses to protect itself.

16. Provides powerful anti-fungal and anti-bacterial action because it contains solavetivone (an amino acid). Properties in the food fight viruses - it's anti-viral.

17. Reduces pain caused by inflammation because the berry contains Beta-Sitosteral, a remarkable anti-inflammatory.

18. The Ningxia Wolfberry is high in protein (more than whole wheat), an essential cellular building block.

19. The Ningxia Wolfberry, unlike most berries, contains natural vitamin E--a restorative antioxidant with too many health benefits to list here.

20. A healthier romantic life. The wolfberry increases overall health performance, including sexual response. One herbalist wrote, "Wolfberry can make a young wolf out of an old man."

21. This berry dubbed "A complete body health motivator" has many unique polysaccharides, not found in any plant on the planet.

Learn More at:

To Your Health,
Scott OBrien

phone: 716-537-2526
skype: AskScottOBrien

PS: Ask Me How YOU can earn money and Enjoy Ningxia Red at the same time!


1. Ben cao Gang Mu; Physicians Handbook; Ming Dynasty 1368-1644 AD
2. Benzie, Dr. Iris F., MD; Hong Kong Polytechnic University; 2005; The British Journal of Medicine.
3. Guifan, Huang, et al; Immune Boosting Effects from Fu Fan Wu 2: Yang Zong Wan; (Chinese Herbs, 1990, 12 (6):27
4. In-Vitro Anti-Mutation Effect of Lycium Barbarum Polysaccharide (LBP). (Chinese Herbs, 1991)
5. Journal of Chinses Herbal Medicine; 1994. Note: Japanese Research Scientists also stated the wolfberry could inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

21 Reasons to Drink NingXia Red DailySocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Ningxia Red is Naturally Delicious!

NingXia Red is a naturally delicious, nutrient-infused wolfberry drink that will energize, fortify, and replenish your body.

- Rich in wide-spectrum antioxidant activity, NingXia Red has the highest levels of naturally occurring, age-defying S-ORAC activity to help support immune function, cardiovascular health, and nourish the eyes.
- NingXia Red also contains lemon and orange essential oils rich in the powerful antioxidant d-limonene to promote healthy liver function.

Ningxia wolfberry, the primary ingredient in NingXia Red, has been cherished for centuries for its health, energy, and longevity benefits. Whole Ningxia wolfberries and other nutrient-dense fruit juices, like blueberry and pomegranate, make NingXia Red the perfect choice for optimizing wellness and stepping up to a whole new level of health.

The NingXia Red Promise: NingXia Red combines the finest Ningxia wolfberries, proprietary "Nutrient-Guard" preparation, and other all-natural, nutrient-dense ingredients to provide:

Dynamic energy and stamina without harmful stimulants (e.g., caffeine, green tea, etc.)

Key glyconutrients that fuel vital energy systems
Unique protein-polysaccharides that help sustain proper immune function

Highest levels of naturally occurring, age defying S-ORAC activity

Great taste with no sugary "junk-juices" (e.g., apple, white grape, pear, etc.)

Essential nutrients in NingXia Red also help support the following: Normal cardiovascular function, normal eye health, normal cell growth, and healthy liver function.

NingXia Red—The Most Powerful Antioxidant Drink — Also Tastes Great!

Wonderfully flavored with light agave syrup and lemon and orange essential oils, NingXia Red delivers amazing health benefits and delectable taste in one delightful beverage. Yes, it tastes great!

Calories: 19 per serving
Total Carbohydrate: 4 grams per serving
Dietary Fiber: 0.2 grams per serving
Sugars: 3.4 grams per serving
Sodium: 15 mg per serving
Protein: 0.65 grams per serving
Vitamin C: 180 mg per serving
Approximately 34 servings per container

Only NingXia Red delivers the natural strength and bioactivity of the whole Ningxia Wolfberry to create the ultimate functional drink blend.

Antioxidants vs. Free Radicals

Our bodies are bombarded daily by the damaging effects of free radicals that are created through normal metabolic functions. In fact, Dr. Bruce Ames of the University of California at Berkley estimates that the DNA of each of our cells is attacked by free radicals over 10,000 times per day. Added to that is the polluted environment we inhabit in today's world, which increases the scope of the problem.

Uninterrupted, free radicals can wreak havoc with DNA, enzymes, and cells. Many chronic conditions - including aging - are believed to result from accumulated damage caused by free radicals. Fortunately, antioxidants have proven an effective weapon against them. Antioxidants help to neutralize the effects of free radicals, allowing the body to restore itself to the proper balance that leads to health and well-being.

To help you combat the damaging effects of free radicals, simply take a single serving (one ounce) of NingXia Red, which supplies 267 percent of the Daily Value of antioxidant vitamin C along with a host of other nutrients. What a delicious way to protect your health!

Suggested Use:

Take 1 fl. oz. daily, or as needed. Shake well before using and refrigerate after opening.


Whole Ningxia wolfberry (lyceum barbarum) puree, Blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) juice, Pomegranate (Punica granatum) juice, Apricot (Prunus armeniaca) juice, Raspberry (Rubus idaeus) juice, Organic blue agave (A. tequilana) nectar, Grape (Vitis vinifera) seed, skin, and stem, Lemon (Citrus limon)rind, Orange (Citrus sinensis) rind, ascrobic acid, natural blueberry flavor, potassium sorbate and sodium benzoate.

NingXia Red Wolfberry Juice by Young Living Essential Oils

Learn More at:

To Your Health,
Scott OBrien
phone: 716-537-2526
skype: AskScottOBrien

PS: Ask Me How YOU can earn money and Enjoy Ningxia Red at the same time!

Ningxia Red is Naturally Delicious!SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend