"A friend suggested that I try using the essential oil of valerian for sleep, so I decided to do a little research; the National Institutes of Health has a website devoted to Valerian for Insomnia and Sleep Disorders. I was amazed how much clinical investigation there was on the properties of this oil. What I read about valerian was that it was very highly regarded as an all-natural sedative. What I learned about valerian from using it was that it is calming, relaxing, balancing, and a sleep aid. Just an aside, Valerian Root is generally regarded as safe (GRAS) for ingestion by the FDA. I would make sure the oil you use is therapeutic grade. " John Rosenberger, Moses Lake, Washington
It is estimated that Americans spend $14 Billion dollars, every year, on our Sleep Disorders!
- 58% of adults experience symptoms of insomnia a few nights or more per week
- 35% of adults report at least one symptom of insomnia every night or almost every night
- For those looking for a safe, effective, and cost-effective alternative, Young Living's beautiful essential oils stand alone.
- Try some oils tonight before you go to sleep. You may be pleasantly surprised!
"I use Essential Oil of Cedarwood on my feet before I go to bed and sleep like a baby! It stimulates the pineal gland which releases natural Melatonin. I feel this is also good for the brain since Cedarwood is high in sesquiterpenes [brain food]. I have also used Alkalime and Lavender for sleep....love it." - Jackie K., Hemphill, Texas
"When my sister Linda died last year, I found myself facing insomnia for the first time in my life. I'd go to bed as normal but would have trouble even getting 2 hours sleep a night. I had heard that Valerian could be good for insomnia, so I ordered a bottle from Young Living. I'd put a few drops under my tongue and then - because it didn't smell great - I put a drop of Lavender on the tip of my nose which masked the smell. It was a wonder! I was sleeping again and never was groggy in the morning. The National Institutes of Health has a website devoted to Valerian for Insomnia and Sleep Disorders. Just as an aside, I'm a big fan of 19th century Russian literature and one of my favorite writers is Anton Chekhov, who was actually a country doctor as well as a writer. In one of his plays, The Sea Gull, the doctor in the play named Dorn asks his patient if he'd like some Valerian drops for his insomnia. So this has been a traditional remedy. Valerian Root is generally regarded as safe (GRAS) for ingestion by the FDA. I would just make sure the oil ingested is therapeutic grade. I highly recommend the Valerian/Lavender combo for insomnia." Kathryn Streletzky
"I put my daughter to sleep every night with a story and a kiss. Recently, I have added some reflexology techniques and the rubbing of Peace and Calming essential oils to the bottom of her feet, and some in her palms to smell deeply. The two of us become so relaxed and sleepy that we had to change our nightly ritual to stories first and oils last. She sleeps so soundly her blankets stay perfectly neat until she wakes up in the morning. Wonderful!" Stacy Allen
"Last year I was having problems with sleeping at night so I decided I would try the Valor oil to see if it would help me out. I tried putting 2 drops on the bottom of both feet and then with the oil on my hands, I would cup them in front of my mouth and nose and take 6-8 deep breaths. Since I started with this routine I have been getting a full night's sleep and waking up very refreshed. My husband has been using it also and is sleeping better with a lot less snoring." Anne Totzke
Suggested Oils for Sleep:
- Valor
- Lavender
- Dream Catcher (For Nightmares)
- Peace & Calming
- Valerian (Strong)
Feel free to share this article with someone that you know - that may benefit from a better night's sleep!
Sweet dreams!
Buffalo, NY
If you are ready to order, please contact me:
office: 716-537-2526
email: AskScottOBrien@gmail.com
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"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." Eleanor Roosevelt
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