Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Ingredients of NingXia Red

List of ingredients for NingXia Red.

I'd also like to recommend that you do research on the MAIN ingredient. Go http://www.pubmed.org/ and do a search on the latin name for wolfberry which is Lycium barbarum.

Here is the list of ingredients:

NINGXIA WOLFBERRY (Lycium barbarum) juice is one of the highest known antioxidant nutrients. It is rich in polysaccharides that have been studied for their ability to combat cancer and strengthen the immune system. It is rich in polyphenols, carotenoids, magnesium, potassium, and vitamin C.
BLUEBERRY JUICE (from concentrate) is one of the highest antioxidant foods according to ORAC research developed by USDA researchers at Tufts University. Animal studies at Tufts University have shown that blueberry extracts can reverse many of the signs of aging.

RASPBERRY JUICE (from concentrate) is rich in ellagic acid, a vital anti-aging nutrient which provides powerful protection against cell mutation.Pomegranate Juice (from concentrate) is an extremely high antioxidant nutrient that has been show to prevent heart disease in clincial studies.

APRICOT JUICE (from concentrate) contains high concentrations of carotinoids, a class of highpowered antioxidants that includes beta carotene (provitamin A). Apricots are also rich in rutin, which strengthens blood vessels.

ORGANIC BLUE AGAVE NECTAR is an extremely low glycemic nutrient from the desert cactus Agave salmiana and Agave angustifolia.

ESSENTIAL OIL of Orange (Citrus sinensis) is very high in limonene, a supernutrient that has been studied extensively for its ability to prevent cellular mutations and reverse cancer.

All that and it tastes great too!

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Scott OBrien
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