Saturday, August 29, 2009

Taste Mother Nature's Most Powerful Anti-Aging Food!

Have you noticed that so many nutritional products on the market today now contain wolfberries or wolfberry juice (lycium barbaum - scientific name) (also called Goji berry by some)?

Are you aware that in China, the wolfberries grown in the Ningxia province have the highest nutritional profile, and that the wolfberries from this specific province appear to extend the life of the elders more so than those grown in any other area? Our product is called Ningxia Red because the wolfberries that we use are grown in the Ningxia province of China.

"Ningxia Red IS the single most nutritious food product I have ever seen in my 30 years in the health industry, and the Ningxia wolfberry is the most effective ingredient in that product, although I think it's the synergy of all the ingredients that makes it especially extraordinary. This one product has the potential to affect the long term health and wellness of every single person who uses it, and it's our duty to share it with as many people as possible. Have you had your Ningxia Red today?" Vicki Opfer, Leading Health Expert

Taste Mother Nature's Powerful Anti-Aging food!

Here's the NingXia Red Difference:

  • The Taste? Like nothing on earth! You and your family will LOVE it.
    Wolfberries are believed by experts to be the most nutritionally dense food found on earth.

  • Wolfberries contain four polysaccharides (considered to be master molecules for the human body) that are not found anywhere else!

  • Wolfberries are the single most powerful immune system enhancer identified to date. A handful of Wolfberries increase SOD (Super Oxide Dismutase - the most powerful anti-aging anti-oxidant) in blood up to 48%.

  • Wolfberries contain 18 kinds of amino acids (six times higher than bee pollen) and contain all 8 essential amino acids.

  • Wolfberries contain 21 trace minerals.

  • Wolfberries are the richest source of carotenoids, including beta-carotene (more beta carotene than carrots), of all known foods or plants on earth!

  • Wolfberries contain 500 times the amount of vitamin C, by weight, than oranges making them one of the richest vitamin C sources on earth.

  • Wolfberries also contain vitamins B1, B2, B6, and E.

  • Wolfberries contain polysaccharides that fortify the immune system.

  • Wolfberries contain about 11 mg of iron per 100 grams and also beta-sisterol (an anti-inflammatory agent).

Did You Know This?

"Functional beverages are becoming a multi-billion dollar industry." -, July 30, 2002

Are you drinking Ningxia Red yet?

Learn More about Ningxia Red at

To Your Best Health!
Scott OBrien
phone: 716-537-2526
skype: AskScottOBrien

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