Just 2 More Days to get your FREE Rose Oil from Young Living
LAST Chance to get your FREE Rose Oil, an essential oil that's Simply Amazing, no wonder it's $180/Bottle! Young Living has NEVER offered Rose Oil for FREE that I am aware, and this may never happen again, so don't miss out on this awesome deal!
Visit http://naturalhealing.vibrantscents.com/ to Learn more
Check Out this earlier post on my Blog: Click Here
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Free Rose Oil Offer from Young Living Ends Aug. 31st
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Taste Mother Nature's Most Powerful Anti-Aging Food!
Are you aware that in China, the wolfberries grown in the Ningxia province have the highest nutritional profile, and that the wolfberries from this specific province appear to extend the life of the elders more so than those grown in any other area? Our product is called Ningxia Red because the wolfberries that we use are grown in the Ningxia province of China.
"Ningxia Red IS the single most nutritious food product I have ever seen in my 30 years in the health industry, and the Ningxia wolfberry is the most effective ingredient in that product, although I think it's the synergy of all the ingredients that makes it especially extraordinary. This one product has the potential to affect the long term health and wellness of every single person who uses it, and it's our duty to share it with as many people as possible. Have you had your Ningxia Red today?" Vicki Opfer, Leading Health Expert
Taste Mother Nature's Powerful Anti-Aging food!
Here's the NingXia Red Difference:
- The Taste? Like nothing on earth! You and your family will LOVE it.
Wolfberries are believed by experts to be the most nutritionally dense food found on earth. - Wolfberries contain four polysaccharides (considered to be master molecules for the human body) that are not found anywhere else!
- Wolfberries are the single most powerful immune system enhancer identified to date. A handful of Wolfberries increase SOD (Super Oxide Dismutase - the most powerful anti-aging anti-oxidant) in blood up to 48%.
- Wolfberries contain 18 kinds of amino acids (six times higher than bee pollen) and contain all 8 essential amino acids.
- Wolfberries contain 21 trace minerals.
- Wolfberries are the richest source of carotenoids, including beta-carotene (more beta carotene than carrots), of all known foods or plants on earth!
- Wolfberries contain 500 times the amount of vitamin C, by weight, than oranges making them one of the richest vitamin C sources on earth.
- Wolfberries also contain vitamins B1, B2, B6, and E.
- Wolfberries contain polysaccharides that fortify the immune system.
- Wolfberries contain about 11 mg of iron per 100 grams and also beta-sisterol (an anti-inflammatory agent).
Did You Know This?
"Functional beverages are becoming a multi-billion dollar industry." - CBSNews.com, July 30, 2002
Are you drinking Ningxia Red yet?
Learn More about Ningxia Red at www.LiveScents.com
To Your Best Health!
Scott OBrien
email: AskScottOBrien@gmail.com
phone: 716-537-2526
skype: AskScottOBrien
web: www.LiveScents.com
PS: Need Free Biz Opp Leads for Your Young Living Business? Check Out www.OrangeLeads.net and grab all the FREE Leads you want.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Energize - Fortify - Replenish - Ningxia red
“As a Doctor of Oriental Medicine I am very concerned about the quality of any herbs or foods which my patients choose to put into their bodies. I am so happy to be able to recommend Young Living products as I know that they are the cleanest and most wholesome available. Ningxia Red is a great breakthrough. This allows anyone to access the benefits of Wolfberries anytime; just by grabbing a juice packet.
The amazing Wolfberry is a powerhouse of beneficial nutrients and healing compounds for the body. No wonder that this little red fruit has been venerated by the Asian peoples for thousands of years and is classified within their herbal pharmacopias (medical textbooks) as a “Superior Medicine”, that is one which has profound effects on our health yet has no toxic side effects.
Oriental Medicine has been a literate, professional system of health care practiced for almost 2,000 years as verified by historical literature. Of course the roots of this medical tradition itself are much, much older, going back to the dawn of Chinese civilization. It is my honor to have been a practitioner of this wonderfully safe and holistic model of health care for 20 fulfilling years.
I have used these Wolfberries (called Lycium barbatum Fructus) for two decades now as a super food for my patients. Since most of my patients are not Asian, it was a new thing for them to try these ‘red raisins’ as a snack. They would smile with surprise to find that they are very tasty and not nearly as sweet as dried grapes, which are too sugary and can feed organisms such as bacteria and yeasts. Because so many of my patients have been exposed to years of stress and have been abused by chemical drugs whether from prescriptions, over the counter, or from eating non-organic meats and dairy – they often have problems with fungus (such as Candida). Well, the delicious Wolfberries are a treat for them, because they can eat something tasty, sweet, and nutritious and yet not get any of those ‘sugar reaction’ problems such as bloating, headaches, hypoglycemia and energy drops.
Traditionally Lycium has been called the Fruit of the Matrimony Vine, and in Chinese herbal medicine this has been helpful for Tonifying (strengthening) the Liver and Kidney systems. These two systems are energetically responsible for human fertility, keeping or regaining strong clear vision, and slowing the aging process. Therefore in Chinese culture Wolfberries are often given as a gift of filial piety to one’s parents and teachers as a sign of respect. Such a gift (the plumper and redder the berry the better) means ‘we wish you a long and healthy life’.
With time pressure being an epidemic for many people it is hard to remember to take good care of oneself, so having such convenience is a great boost. Of the 16 types of Wolfberries produced commercially in China, only the ones from Ningxia have the fullest spectrum of health benefits. Of course it is no surprise that Young Living would choose only these for the juice, along with synergist juices.
As a clinician I see the power of combining several herbs into a formula, so that the effect is stronger than the sum of the parts. This is what happens with the juices blended into Ningxia Red. It is the wise consumer, and more and more of my patients, who are reaping the harvest of improved health and vitality from this “Master Blend”.
Orest V. Pelachaty, received his degree of Oriental Medical Doctor in 1986 from the California Acupuncture College subsequent to his 1985 Master Degree from Trisate College of Acupuncture. He holds a BA in Psychology from Rutgers Univesity is nationally certified in Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine. He lives with his wife, Sue Short Hills New Jersey.
To Learn more about Ningxia Red, please visit: www.LiveScents.com
To your health!
Scott OBrien
Natural Healing
email: AskScottOBrien@gmail.com
skype: AskScottOBrien
web: www.LiveScents.com
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Beneficial Information about Ningxia Red
Mother Nature's Powerful Anti-Aging food!
The following are personal testimonial from people who drink the Ningxia Red Juice every day, and how it changed their life!
"I have had high blood pressure (134/95) for as long as I can remember. The first time they ever checked it was when I was playing semi-pro football and they were shocked that an athlete in great physical condition would have such high BP at only 24 years old. I kept it manageable all these years (I'll be 60 next month) with lots of exercise and occasionally I had to take BP meds when under a lot of stress. I started drinking the NingXia Red, and two or three months later when I decided to check my blood pressure it was 120/73! I was so shocked, I rechecked it four times because I couldn't believe it - it had NEVER been that good. Then about a month later, I was at the doctor's office for a leg injury and the doctor checked my blood pressure while I was there and he said it was perfect! I'll never be without my NingXia Red." Doug McLaughlin
I have been drinking 2 ounces of NingXia Red Juice every morning, and now, I can’t imagine my day without it! “The Juice”, keeps my energy and vitality high throughout the day. Before, I would have never dreamed of working 14 to 16 hours a day, but now with the NingXia Red anti-aging juice – it’s possible. I feel healthier and ready to face any challenges that come my way. I feel revitalized and looking younger than 10 years ago. I would recommend this juice to anyone.” Carmen Young, Guttenberg, New Jersey
“I hadn’t had a sore throat like this, since I was 9 years old. I wasn’t even able to sleep. When I finally thought about my bottle of NingXia Red, my throat was raw. I took a big “swig” right from the bottle – oh my goodness – did that feel great!! I went to bed and slept the night through. The next morning, I had a slight scratchiness in my throat, so the first thing I used was NingXia Red. Now, I use NingXia Red every day - and so do my granddaughters.” Nancy Sanderson, Jackson Hole, Wyoming
Would you like to have more energy and vitality? It will be my pleasure to assist you in trying a bottle of Ningxia Red and have you experience this delicious and nutritious juice for yourself. It's better than any energy drink on the market and I'm confident that you will agree. Oh, and it's delicious too! : )
To Learn more about Ningxia Red, please visit: www.LiveScents.com
To your health!
Scott OBrien
Natural Healing
email: AskScottOBrien@gmail.com
skype: AskScottOBrien
web: www.LiveScents.com
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Ingredients of NingXia Red
I'd also like to recommend that you do research on the MAIN ingredient. Go http://www.pubmed.org/ and do a search on the latin name for wolfberry which is Lycium barbarum.
Here is the list of ingredients:
NINGXIA WOLFBERRY (Lycium barbarum) juice is one of the highest known antioxidant nutrients. It is rich in polysaccharides that have been studied for their ability to combat cancer and strengthen the immune system. It is rich in polyphenols, carotenoids, magnesium, potassium, and vitamin C.
BLUEBERRY JUICE (from concentrate) is one of the highest antioxidant foods according to ORAC research developed by USDA researchers at Tufts University. Animal studies at Tufts University have shown that blueberry extracts can reverse many of the signs of aging.
RASPBERRY JUICE (from concentrate) is rich in ellagic acid, a vital anti-aging nutrient which provides powerful protection against cell mutation.Pomegranate Juice (from concentrate) is an extremely high antioxidant nutrient that has been show to prevent heart disease in clincial studies.
APRICOT JUICE (from concentrate) contains high concentrations of carotinoids, a class of highpowered antioxidants that includes beta carotene (provitamin A). Apricots are also rich in rutin, which strengthens blood vessels.
ORGANIC BLUE AGAVE NECTAR is an extremely low glycemic nutrient from the desert cactus Agave salmiana and Agave angustifolia.
ESSENTIAL OIL of Orange (Citrus sinensis) is very high in limonene, a supernutrient that has been studied extensively for its ability to prevent cellular mutations and reverse cancer.
All that and it tastes great too!
To Your Physical, Mental and Financial Wealth!
Scott OBrien
email: AskScottOBrien@gmail.com
skype: AskScottOBrien
web: www.LiveScents.com
Monday, August 24, 2009
Did You Leave Efusjon?
Seems like a lot of people are leaving Efusjon. Not sure why, but this article is not about why, it's about health. If you still care about your health and you love the health benefits of nutrtional antioxidant drinks, I would love to introduce you to a great company that has been around for many years with what I consider the best of the best quality products on the market! The company is a direct competitor to MonaVia as well as many other nutritional companies. There is no big up front fees and 25% the cost of MonaVie products.
I am a health and fitness nut with a mission in life to find natural and healthy

Everyone can afford to take Ningxia Red’s nutrition-packed product for cost of just a little over $1/day. Ningxia Red is very competitively priced against the popular MonaVie Acai Berry Juice. The auto ship cost including shipping for bottle of Ningxia is $39.75 for 34 servings. The comparison cost of the same number of servings of MonaVie is $92.30, a $54.30 monthly saving on Ningxia Red. The savings get even greater as Ningxia Red volume discounts are applied.
Ningxia Red also comes in single serving pouches too which is a huge advantage over other juice companies... WHY? Think about packing it in your lunch or taking it with you on vacation. Yes no big bottles to carry around, but think of this too... we are in business to sell juice, but to sell it, most people want to taste it first, so we can offer a single serving pack for a couple bucks instead of carrying a big bottle around and cups or inviting everyone over to your house. HUGE Advantage in my book!
When I got my first bottle and opened the bottle the aroma alone made me feel healthy. I took a taste of my 1 oz. serving and thought I was in Heaven. I have never tasted a dietary supplement that tasted this wonderful. Ningxia Red is truly “God’s Nectar.” The BEST NEWS is the Compensation Plan which is by far an easy reach to 5 or 6-figure income potential per month. You can research Ningxia Red for yourself. Our Family LOVES Ningxia Red and our Health has never been better!
Check out my Ningxia Red website: www.LiveScents.com
Scott OBrien
Natural Healing Expert
(716) 537-2526
email: AskScottOBrien@gmail.com
skype: AskScottOBrien
web: www.LiveScents.com
Last Week for FREE Rose Oil from Young Living
LAST Week to get your FREE Rose Oil, an essential oil that's Simply Amazing, no wonder it's $180/Bottle! Check Out this earlier post on my Blog: Click Here
Sunday, August 23, 2009
NingXia Red Juice - Feel the Difference
Mother Nature's Powerful Anti-Aging food!
NingXia Red™ is a super-nutritive and delicious premium fruit blend carefully prepared with legendary NingXia wolfberries. Only NingXia Red™ delivers the highest natural levels of vital, bioactive nutirents that are scarce in our modern diets. These nutrients come together to improve health in virtually every organ system. Consumers, who drink NingXia Red™, report a wide variety of significant and sometimes phenomenal health effects.
NingXia Red™ is made with "NingXia" wolfberry and five other disease-fighting fruits:
- NingXia Wolfberry: whole fruit puree
- Apricot juices: have been favored by the long-living Hunza people
- Raspberry and blueberry juices: known as especially rich sources of the powerful antioxidants polyphenol and anthocyanidins
- Pomegranate juice: with three times the antioxidant activity of green tea
- Dark red Grapes seed: stem, and skin contain some of the best nutrients
Simply stated, “NingXia” is an Anti-aging fruit drink.
Scientist and physicians are realizing as never before that what we need is a massive nutrient infusion. The lack of nutrients is robbing millions of the health and energy necessary to enjoy life. But now, for thousands of users, NingXia Red means lasting energy, extra immunity and more youth. Drink it every day and give your body what it needs to move your health and your Life to A WHOLE NEW LEVEL.
"We both drink 2 oz. of NingXia Red™ every day! Now we have much more energy; we're able to deal with stress better AND it has also revitalized our love life." April Travis, PhD and Mark Travis, San Antonio, TX
Wolfberries, according to ancient Chinese texts, nourish the yin, support the blood, help support the kidneys and liver, strengthen the eyes, fortify the muscles and bone, enhance the “chi” or life force.
To Learn more about Ningxia Red, please visit: www.LiveScents.com
To your health!
Scott OBrien
Natural Healing
email: AskScottOBrien@gmail.com
skype: AskScottOBrien
web: www.LiveScents.com
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Building a List for Young Living Essential Oils
Let me ask you this. Are you really looking to build a list that works for you?
Beginners are raving about this tool and how simple and easy it is to build a list. A matter of fact, everyone is calling and thanking me for letting them know about it. Even Experts are impressed!
Get ready to...
Open your mind...
Imagine This...
Every link you send out....
Every Link you put in a classified add...
Every time you use Twitter...
Every Ning Post you make...
Every Social Network Wall you post on....
Every Blog you comment on...
Every Email you send out...
Your receive a contact NAME and their EMAIL ADDRESS
Your List Builds & Builds Huge
Are you ready to see it happen...
Over and OVER AGAIN...
This Tool Works...
For the BEGINNER...
For the Experts...
Jeff Long the Inventor of this tool has even pass along a huge discount for
everyone. Besides the discount you can become an affiliate and make all of your
investment back... FAST. Because, everyone will want this tool after you send out your first email to them using it....
ACT NOW - Before Jeff increases the price.
Thank you for your time and Please Let me Know what you think of this really cool tool ok?
Have an Awesome Day!
Scott OBrien
email: AskScottOBrien@gmail.com
skype: AskScottOBrien
PS: Jeff's discount won't last much longer... Grab this awesome tool while you can!
Friday, August 21, 2009
The NingXia Red Difference
Let’s start with NingXia Red’s natural infusion of orange and lemon oils. These Young Living Therapeutic Grade™ essential oils include d-limonene, a powerful antioxidant—and NingXia Red is the only essential oil-infused supplement on the market!
NingXia Red also contains only the finest wolfberries from the Ningxia Province in China. Combined with other powerful antioxidant ingredients—such as blueberries, pomegranates, raspberries, and red grapes—these wolfberries contribute to NingXia Red’s incredible antioxidant protection from harmful free radicals.
This synergistic blend of NingXia Red is formulated to give you that extra boost of energy that you need during the day. In addition to natural, sustainable energy, NingXia Red also replenishes the valuable nutrients that your body needs to maintain health.
If you have experienced the wonderful benefits of NingXia Red, it’s time to share this information with friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors—everyone can benefit from this natural approach to health and energy! Commit yourself to sharing NingXia Red with someone new each day. Not a day goes by that I don’t speak with someone about NingXia Red and I challenge you to do the same! Challenge each person with whom you speak to the “NingXia Red Three-Month Challenge.” Have them take NingXia Red for three months and we promise that they’ll feel the NingXia Red difference. I’m profoundly certain they’ll thank you for it! Learn More about Ningxia Red at: www.LiveScents.com
Scott OBrien
Natural Healing
P.S. "1 Ounce of Ningxia Red a Day will keep the Doctor Away"
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Summer Recipes w/Young Living Essential Oils
Refreshing Cherry Lemonade
2/3 c. Blue Agave
4 drops lemon essential oil
4 large lemons
1 bottle sparkling cherry soda
Filtered water
In a gallon pitcher, combine agave, lemon essential oil, juice of lemons, and sparkling cherry soda. Mix well and add filtered water to fill pitcher. Chill in refrigerator and serve over ice. Garnish with sprig of mint or lemon wedge. Makes eight 16-ounce servings.
Tomato Cucumber Summer Salad
1/2 c. cider vinegar
1 tsp. Blue Agave
1 tsp. salt
1 drop dill essential oil
1 drop black pepper essential oil
4 Tbsp. vegetable oil
4 cucumbers sliced
2 c. red onion chopped
4 ripe tomatoes cut into wedges
In a large bowl, mix vinegar, sugar, salt, dill essential oil, black pepper essential oil, and vegetable oil. Add cucumbers, onion, and tomatoes. Toss and chill in refrigerator at least 30 minutes before serving.
Ginger Cinnamon Glazed Peaches
1/4 c. Blue Agave
3 drops ginger essential oil
3 drops cinnamon bark essential oil
1 Tbsp. butter
4 peaches quartered
Stir agave and essential oils together and set aside. Add butter to frying pan. Heat on medium. Add peaches once butter has melted. Gently cook peaches 1–2 minutes. Brush agave mixture on each side of peaches. Allow glaze to caramelize on each side. Once peaches are caramelized on each side remove from heat and plate. Drizzle remaining glaze on peaches and serve. Makes 4–8 servings.
To Learn More about Young Living Essential Oils... please visit: http://naturalhealing.vibrantscents.com/
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Rose Oil Suggestion and Reminder
I just read a fascinating suggestion on how to use the precious rose oil. Rose Oil is getting more attention than usual this month because of the amazing offer from Young Living where you can get a bottle free ($180 Value). Let me tell ya that is one very valuable offer.
Take a few minutes and read this idea for Rose Oil. I love it and think you will too. I just received my bottle of rose oil and will be trying this idea in the next couple of days as soon as I have the proper container.
Rose Oil is Complely Intoxicating
I noticed this post from a person in the essential oils group I belong and felt it important to share. Rose Oil distilled by Young Living Essential Oils is fairly rare and some use the word expensive.... but this method of using this remarkable oil has it lasting about a year. Why pay attention? Rose oil has the highest frequencies of all oils. We are all energy. Learn about frequencies.
Young Living has an amazing offer for the month of August 2009, where you can receive a bottle of rose oil free with an order of $350 or more. Not bad when you consider a bottle of Rose Oil is $180!
Here's the Suggestion for Rose Oil:
I wanted to share my most favorite way to use the rose oil which i have shared with many people in my group and have done so myself for years.
Warning Completely intoxicating!
I use an empty Ningxia Red juice glass bottle. (Comment: what is important about this is the size of the bottle and that it is glass. The size is 32oz.) I add 2 drops of Rose oil and fill it up with good clean water and swish it around and sip it slowly.
I personally experience that it moves me quickly and easily into this state of self love and this sweet opened hearted place that is obvious, tangible and lasts! Before I run out of it, I fill it up again with water. I can usually fill it up 5 or 6 times before it runs out and it will still be potent and effective. I hardly ever use it topically and this also makes my rose oils last and last for a very long time!
Try it, its the best of the best! Great to drink for both people on a romantic evening, great to drink during a meditation retreat, great to drink if you need to have a challenging dialogue and just plain great to drink.
Rose Oil Is One Amazing and Exclusive Product
Learn More about Essential Oils from Young Living Today:
To Your Health!
Scott OBrien
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Detox your Body with Young Living
Detox Your Life ~ Get Healthy with Young Living
At least two-thirds of Americans are now overweight or obese, according to the National Center for Health Statisitcs. And it’s no wonder — the hectic pace of life and abundance of processed, fast food options make it easy to slip into poor diet and exercise habits.
We all know bad habits are hard to break, but with a little help from some of Young Living’s most popular products you can get started on a healthier path without having to make unreasonable changes to your daily routine. Jumpstart the process with Young Living’s 5-Day Nutritive Cleanse™, and continue on your path to wellness by incorporating a whole-food sourced, nutrient-dense meal replacement like Balance Complete™ or Power Meal™; boosting antioxidant levels with NingXia Red®; and supporting your diet with Core Supplements™.
Cleansing is an excellent way to begin a healthy eating regimen while squelching latent junk-food cravings. In fact, many health experts suggest a mild, nutrient and fiber-rich cleanse four times a year to maintain healthy diestive function and balance out the extremes of the modern diet.
Healthy Snacking for Weight Management
Here are some suggested treats for nutrient-rich snacking on the go:
Fiber-rich Manna Bars
Raw nuts and seeds
Wolfberry Crisp™ Bars
Fresh fruit
Clear miso or vegetable broth
Young Living’s 5-Day Nutritive Cleanse contains our high-fiber Balance Complete™; the soothing Digest + Cleanse™ essential oil supplement; and the powerful, antioxidant-rich NingXia Red juice. Balance Complete, Young Living’s superfood derived shake, is comprised of eleven grams of fiber and eleven grams of protein for a balanced, nutrient-rich meal. A proprietary V-Fiber blend aids in cleansing and overall health maintenance.* Balance Complete facilitates this process as the V-Fiber in each serving combines with water, swelling to provide the necessary bulk to absorb and remove toxins and excess fat from the digestive tract.* Unlike many other cleanses on the market, Balance complete is enhanced with a prebiotic fiber that nourishes intestinal flora, and will not negatively affect the delicate intestinal processes.
Although Balance Complete is gentle on the intestinal flora, sudden increases in fiber may initially cause bloating and gastrointestinal discomfort. To mitigate this unpleasant upset, the 5-Day Nutritive Cleanse includes the soothing Digest + Cleanse as part of the program.
Digest + Cleanse is a supplement comprised entirely of 100 percent pure Young Living Therapeutic Grade™ peppermint, caraway, lemon and other essential oils. This combination of oils is specially formulated to ease the discomfort that may accompany the first cleansing stages. Research has demonstrated that peppermint is effective for digestive upset¹, and a blend of caraway and peppermint oils taken three times daily can reduce gas and soothe the intestinal tract. The other key components of Digest + Cleanse — lemon, ginger, fennel, and anise essential oils — have also been reported to improve elimination and activate various digestive organs.*
The final component of the 5-Day Nutritive Cleanse is the popular NingXia Red drink. This powerful antioxidant and nutrient-infused beverage provides dynamic and sustainable energy during the second stage of the cleansing process. The first stage — when toxins are broken down and made water soluble — is aided by Balance Complete and Digest + Cleanse, while the toxin removal phase is made possible by the unique properties of NingXia Red. High in vitamins, minerals, flavonoids, carotenoids, cerebrosides, pyrolles and zeaxanthin, NingXia Red is an important addition to this mild yet effective cleansing program.
Each of these three crucial elements — Balance Complete, Digest + Cleanse, and NingXia Red — come togher to make the 5-Day Nutritive Cleanse a gentle and effective way to get a jump start on healthy eating and curb unwanted cravings. Just drink eight ounces of Balance Comnplete an hour after taking one Digest + Cleanse capsule, and follow with one ounce of NingXia Red for each of your three meals.
Once you’ve completed the 5-Day Nutritive Cleanse, there are some easy steps you can take to ensure the benefits of the cleansing process are not undone by poor dietary choices. An easy way to maintain a healthy post-cleanse lifestyle is to substitute your least nutritious daily meals with a whole food sourced, nutrient-dense meal replacement like Balance Complete or Power Meal, continue to drink one to three ounces of NingXia Red daily, and incorporate premium Core Supplements into your daily routine.
You’re already familiar with the benefits of Balance Complete, but Young Living also offers Power Meal as a vegetarian, brown rice-based meal replacement alternative. This delicious formula is rich in calcium, antioxidants, and amino acids, and delivers an impressive twenty grams of protein per serving. Power Meal’s broad range of essential nutritents, vitamins, minerals and compelte proteins has been revamped to now boast improved taste and texture, and is an ideal choice for those who favor a vegetarian life-style or who whish to cut back on animal-sourced proteins. This low fat, dairy and sugar free meal replacement can pick up where cleansing left off with the ability to enhance the body’s natural detoxification processes.
No matter which daily meal replacement you choose, continuing to consume one to three daily ounces of NingXia Red is the easiest way to boost the body’s antioxidant levels and support immune, liver, and ocular finctions.*
Another easy way to boost your body’s nutrient levels and maintain a post-cleanse lifestyle is by taking Core Supplements. Core Cupplements combines all the benefits of True Source, Omega Blue, Longevity, and Life 5 in convenient, pre-packaged doses. Labeled with “a.m., noon, and p.m.” instructions, there has never been an easier way to receive the combined health benefits of True Source, Omega Blue, Longevity, and Life 5.
Eating healthy doesn’t mean you have to give up great-tasting foods! All it takes is a commitment to detoxify your system with the 5-Day Nutritive Cleanse, plus a few easily maintained dietary changes, and you’ll be well on your way to a healthier, happier you.
Please visit my web site, www.YoungLivingScents.com today to learn more about our nutritional supplements and order so you can detoxify your life and get healthy with Young Living!
Reprinted from Essential Lifestyle with permission of Young Living, Lehi, UT 84043 U.S.A.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnost, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Posted in Aromatherapy, Cleansing, Detox, Essential Oils, Natural Solutions, NingXia Red, Wellness, Young Living Essential Oils Tagged antioxidants, Aromatherapy, detoxify, Essential Oils, lemon essential oil, meal replacement shakes, Natural Healing, NingXia Red, Organic Products, Peppermint essential oil, therapeutic essential oils, weight management, Young Living Essential Oils
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Rose Oil Is One Amazing and Exclusive Product
Rose Oil Is One Amazing and Exclusive Product...
Inner Child Essential Oil - Rose Essential Oil August Special
Young Living Roses have been blooming all summer, and the intoxicating smell has made us feel extra loving and generous towards our distributors. So we’re having not one, not two, but three major promotions this August. They’re BIG, they’re BOLD, and they’re waiting for YOU!
Don’t miss this exciting chance to make August your most rewarding month yet!
Earn a FREE Rose Essential Oil...

Aromatherapy experts agree that rose oil helps bring balance and harmony to the body, stimulates the mind, and helps many to overcome insecurities. Add rose to your lotion base, your bath, or simply diffuse and enjoy its magnificent aroma.
From August 1 to August 31, when you place an order of 350 PV or more, you’ll receive a FREE 5ml bottle of rose oil. That’s a $179.75 value!
Build OGV With Your Newly Enrolled Distributors!
10% off Inner Child!

10% off from August 1 to August 31, 2009.
Wholesale: $17.78 Preferred Cust: $20.58 Retail: $23.39 PV: 17.75
How To Get Started With Essential Oils and Order Essential Oils (Click Here)
For My Personal Recommendations Click Here
(Please read all the information on the proper use of essential oils and read all the normal disclaimers associated with information not evaluated by the FDA. All of this detail is part of your experience in The World of Essential Oils
Scott OBrien, Business Development Consultant started marketing online 10 years ago and has been using essentials oils for several years.
Twitter Follow Me, Follow You